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Ibiza map update

Ibiza map update

Municipal boundaries and terrain view.

Since the initial presentation in October, BalearWeb has improved and added new resources to the Google Maps mashups for Ibiza, Formentera, Mallorca and Menorca.

One of the recent improvements is a new layer that shows the municipal boundaries of each island, except in Formentera, where the parish boundaries are displayed. The division is used not only to show the administrative boundaries of each municipality, but also to surf from one municipality to another without having to go back to the Island map each time.

Another new feature is the "Terrain" view, that complements the "Map", "Satellite" and "Hybrid" views. The "Terrain" view represents the relief of mountains and other landforms through shadows and colours, being quite interesting in the mountainous areas of the archipelago.

As for the introduction of data, the Map of Ibiza groups at the moment 185 resources including pictures and exhibition sites, the Map of Formentera 72, the Map of Mallorca 439 and the Map of Menorca 194.

More over the information is available in KML format via files that can be viewed with the desktop application Google Earth.

Datum: 04/12/2007

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